Newton’s 3rd Law (N3L)
presents the greatest challenge to students unlike the first two laws of motion
because what it claims is contrary to many daily experiences and hence counter-intuitive.
Newton's Laws of motion allows us to break down the problem systematically by first
looking at the forces exerted on bodies, compute the resultant force and predict
its motion.
Challenges to learners include:
· N3L only work for specific
situations, e.g., system at rest
In using N3L, we are looking only at the forces between two bodies at the
point/surface of direct contact (except for the fundamental forces which
are action-at-distance[1]). If the two bodies are in contact, the force on each body due to the other body
must be equal and opposite. There is no need to look beyond the contact point
when using N3L.
· Object being pushed experience a
larger force exerted by the imparter (e.g., a person) while the force exerted
on the imparter by the object should “logically” be less.
This is a compromised version of N3L.
Students recognized and know that they need to apply N3L but preconceptions compel
students to come up with alternate N3L to accommodate daily experiences. The
single most difficult misconception to rectify in students since it is contrary
to daily experiences.
· Using N3L to describe the forces
acting on the same body
Forces like gravitational force (or
weight) and normal force exerted by the table are taken to be the pair of
forces in accordance to N3L because they are “equal and opposite”.
· Dealing with massless string
In basic mechanics, the sole purpose of
the string is to connect various bodies so that they behave as a single system
yet they are not in contact. N3L is not applicable to the forces between two
bodies even though they satisfy “equal and opposite forces on two different
bodies” condition because they are not in contact. N3L describe the pair forces
between each end of the string with the body. For the string, the forces on
both ends must cause it to be taut and have equal magnitude regardless of the
state of motion of the system. This is a consequence of Newton’s 2nd
Resultant force on string = mass x acceleration
=> Tleft – Tright
= 0 x a
[1] Actually most of the forces we are
discussing in Mechanics are action-at-a-distance electromagnetic interactions.
We don’t observe this because we perceive only the macroscopic form of the
interaction which is the contact between objects.