08 Oscillations


Oscillations summary from Lee Tat Leong

Videos/Simulations to help visualising SHM

1a. Demonstrating that one component of uniform circular motion is simple harmonic motion (link is here)

1b. Video on circular motion and SHM (direct link to 1min 14 sec here)
The video between 1min14sec to 1min50sec shows the relation between circular motion and SHM.

2a. Simple pendulum model (download link is here)

2b. A spring-mass oscillation virtual lab (access link here and download link is here)
Hang masses from springs and you can adjust the spring stiffness and damping. Able to show kinetic, potential, and thermal energy for each spring. 

3a. Comparing pendula - in-phase and out-of-phase (access link here and download link is here)

3b. Video on pendula - in-phase and out-of-phase (direct link to 2min 16 sec here)

4. Object placed (unconnected) to an oscillating platform (access link here or download here

  • Why does the object lose contact with the platform?
  • At which positions will the lost of contact happen?
  • How do you compute the position when the object lose contact with the platform?

5a. Simple Resonance (link is here)
A horizontal spring-mass system driven by a harmonic force.

5b. Resonance investigation (access link here and download link is here)
This simulation allow you to investigate how the driving force affect resonators with different parameters.

6. Simulation on possibly anything you want to find out for system in oscillation (download here)
History: This simulation was derived from one of the first simulation I created back in 2005 when I moved away from commercial simulation software for education.

  • simulation contains many variables and may be a shock to newbies
  • simulation is quite ugly but functional
Some phenomena to investigate:
  • Relation between x-t, v-t, a-t, v-x and a-x graphs.
  • v-x and E-t graphs when damping included.
  • v-x and E-t graphs when periodic driving force is applied (vary the driver frequency to see the responses of the system)

7a. Coupled Pendula
This phenomenon is usual used as a resonance demo. Strictly speaking it is just the oscillation of 2 or more coupled (via some connection such as string/spring/etc) oscillatory system. Energy is transferred between these systems.

7b. Simulation of coupled pendula (download here)

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