Lecture 22/5/13
Phase difference in time
Simulation (download here) to illustrate for transverse wave
- phase difference between two displacement-time graph
- phase difference of two points on a wave in terms of position difference and time difference
Simulation of propagation of circular wavefront from point source (download here)
Simulation of propagation of spherical wavefront from point source (download here)
Demonstration of polarization
Two polarizers simulation (access link here)
Three polarizers showing electric field (access link here)
Another view of three polarizers simulation (access link here)
Lecture notes fill-in-the-blanks
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Lecture 20/5/13
Waves as combination of particles in SHM
Connected pendulaNotice how the motion of the particles are connected.
Simulation of connected particles
Notice that each particles are executing SHM in vertical direction but the wave profile is moving to the right.
Phase difference
Pendula in-phase
- When one reaches maximum displacement (right), the other also reaches displacement (right)
- Both will reach the equlibrium position at the same instant and at the same direction for the velocity
- When one reaches maximum displacement (left), the other also reaches displacement (left)
Pendula in antiphase
Pendula out-of-phase
Visualising Phase Difference in a wave
Different points/particles on a wave are at different stages of motion, depending on the position.
Mathematical derivation of wave equation and phase difference
Deriving wave equation and phase from Lee Tat Leong
Simulation of phase difference
The angle subtended in the circle is the phase difference.
Simulation of phase difference
The angle subtended in the circle is the phase difference.
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