Observing the phenomena
- Download the 2 videos on your iPad from dropbox (Y3 LTL Class->Assignments->02 Kinematics->02 Assignments Video x.yyy)
- Observe the motion of the ball in each video.
- Post your ideas about the motion of the balls for the following questions HERE.
Research the observed phenomena
Conduct an in-depth study of the 2 motions of the balls using your knowledge of kinematic motion, graphs and equations.
Present your research findings using the lab report format (modified from modelling instruction course material 2007). A sample of a lab report (handwritten version) can be found here.
- You are advice to spend one and a half hour for this assignment.
- iMessage me for clarification by 9/2/13.
- Submit your report as a pdf (type written or neat handwriting using iOS app with any images collected) to me via email by 13/02/13 (Wed).
Technical Advices
Frame-by-Frame analysis using CoachMyVideo
In videos that we film for physics analysis, there is always a reference length (a metre rule, calibrated stick, etc) near to the object in motion. In the 2 videos, the distance between successive markings on the stick is 10 cm.
- You can use your own ruler to measure the position of the object and make use of proportion to determine the position of the object from a reference point.
- You may want to use adhesive tape, that is not too sticky, to secure your ruler to the iPad screen for ease of taking measurements.
- Penultimate - handwritten notes with ability to attach images and sync with Penultimate
- Evernote - typewritten report with image attachment. However difficult to write formulae
- Neu.notes - similar to penultimate but is a paid app
- Pages - microsoft equivalent for iOS devices. Very expensive!